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1EdTech Open Standards Make Your Products Better and Your Customers Happier!


Accessibility, inclusive design, and personalization of online learning resources to meet the needs of all users/learners

Caliper Analytics®

Consistently capture and present measures of learning activity and define a common language for labeling learning data, with a standard way of measuring learning activities and effectiveness, enabling designers and providers of curriculum to measure, compare, and improve quality.

Common Cartridge®

Organization, publishing, distribution, delivery, and search of a wide variety of collections of digital learning content, applications used as the basis for or in support of online learning of any type.

Comprehensive Learner Record Standard™

A comprehensive digital learner record for education and workforce learning. The 1EdTech CLR Standard™ supports competency-based education, co-curricular and extra-curricular skills and achievements, employer-based learning, and other learning experiences in a verifiable, portable, and interoperable format.


Exchange and management of information about learning standards and/or competencies in a consistent and referenceable way including machine-readable statements of what the learner will know and be able to do, explanations of relationships between standard sets and/or among individual standards or courses where applicable, and guides listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tests.

Data Privacy

Vetting educational applications to ensure that a minimum standard of privacy and security is met provides assurance that the information gathered by these educational applications is being used responsibly, thereby certifying that institutions are using TrustEd Apps™.


The 1EdTech Support for Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Using the 'data-ssml' Property Version 1.0 specification is designed to improve pronunciation capabilities in digital learning resources and assessments.


Edu-API facilitates secure data exchange between administrative systems such as the student information system (SIS) and products within the teaching and learning ecosystem.

LTI® Advantage

Integrating rich learning applications (often remotely hosted and provided through third-party services) with platforms like learning management systems, portals, learning object repositories, or other educational environments.

OneRoster® 1.2

Exchange and synchronization of roster information and grades which focuses on people, memberships, courses and outcomes.

Open Badges

Capturing learner achievements that are verifiable, portable, and interoperable through Open Badges and in the future, learning pathways and Blockchain extensions.


Creation of video capture metadata to enable information from any video to be shared and searched

QTI® 3 and Assessment

Exchange of item, test and results data between authoring tools, item banks, test construction tools, learning systems and assessment delivery systems, including accessible assessments.

Resource Search

Searching digital repositories for a set of resources using various attributes of resources and returning full metadata about the resources to the learning tool


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