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Learner Success, Retention and Outcomes

Insights that breed student success


Insights That Foster Student Success


As 1EdTech members innovate and create the future of digital learning, we need to know if our strategies are making the changes we want to see for our students.

The 1EdTech community is working together to build data access into the ecosystem. We are getting ahead of this rapidly evolving field through deep collaboration to harness the power of and make the best use of the data we can get today while working on a better future for all educational stakeholders. 


Learner Success, Retention and Outcomes icon

Ensure Your Ecosystem Provides Usable Insights and Reliable Data


Data designed into the ecosystem helps everyone understand, act and improve.

  • Analyze student activity in time to help
  • Set baselines for data expectations
  • Enable large-scale data collection
  • Provide real-time analysis and messaging
  • Enable sharing of data with partners
  • Understand the usage of learning apps


Harness the Power of Educational Data



Greenville County Public Schools

Being able to see how a student is progressing through specific academic standards, through CASE Network 2, not only allows Greenville County Public Schools to help that student, but it also allows the district to better assess its digital tools, its curriculum and make data-driven decisions to improve teaching and learning.

That’s why the district works to ensure edtech suppliers follow interoperability standards so they know the tools will work well together and provide the district with the data it needs.

A Central Repository of K-12 State and National Academic Standards
CASE Network 2




Greenville County Public Schools

We need our edtech suppliers to be able to dump data in our warehouse every night, so we can get the picture of the whole child. We also want to be sure the tools we purchase are helping those students learn and do what they claim to do. If they aren’t, we know we need to make changes.

Photo of User
Jeff McCoy
Associate Superintendent for Academics
Greenville County Schools


The University of Maryland

The University of Maryland, Baltimore County, leveraged its 1EdTech membership to analyze valuable data from multiple resources in order to better inform and eventually improve teaching and learning at the university.

Tools working together and speaking the same language made it easier for the university to collect data in a usable format, determine how students were using digital tools, and understand how those habits correlated with student success.

The data also helps to identify areas for improvement and innovation in learning environments as the university looks toward the future. 

A Portrait of Lifelong Learning Is Now Possible
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The University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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As 1EdTech members, we have the opportunity to collaborate with developers and talk about use cases and what we want to see from them in the future. We have a say in the evolution of products to help make everyone successful.

Photo of User
Jack Suess
VP of IT
University of Maryland, Baltimore County



1EdTech open standards allow us to meet our customers wherever they are at no matter what technologies they currently use. The benefit of the 1EdTech community is more than just the open standards. It’s about collaborating with our customers and suppliers to deliver the best solutions possible.

Photo of User
Marc Nelson
Vice President of Platform Product Management
Savvas Learning Company

Savvas Learning Company logo

Savvas Learning Company delivers hundreds of thousands of assessment items every day, more than two billion since joining 1EdTech.

1EdTech standards enable the quick and secure transfer of assessment results without additional effort from educators, saving valuable time while also protecting the data. As 1EdTech open standards evolve to keep up with advanced technologies, Savvas is at the table, improving teaching and learning for all the educators and students it serves.


Making Assessment More Flexible, Authentic, and Equitable
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By working collaboratively with the brightest minds in education and technology, we're making an impact on all learners. Join the 1EdTech community today because together, we go forward faster.

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Insights That Foster Student Ability

As 1EdTech members work to create the future of education technology, we know our efforts are making a positive impact on teaching and learning. Insights based on reliable data keep us pointed in the direction we all want to go.

Learner Success, Retention and Outcomes pic at bottom 2

Advance your strategy and the greater good




Inform Decisions With Data

The 1EdTech community is driving the future of real-time availability and analysis of educational data from the many resources faculty and students use every day. Giving educators at every level the valuable insight to guide teaching and learning.

Check out a few of our key workstreams below.

Integrated Assessment

Provide a standard format of assessment content, data, and exchange of information between authoring and delivery systems in your digital ecosystem to ensure an equitable and accessible user experience for all learners.


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Learning Data and Analytics

Share data across your ecosystem to assess progress, fill gaps, and enable data analytics to reveal systemic improvement opportunities. Get the intel to make adjustments and make smarter edtech purchases.


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Empowering Tomorrow’s Learners Starts With an Open Ecosystem

Unlock the unlimited possibilities with 1EdTech’s six key workstreams, and help us lead the way to an open, innovative and trusted educational technology ecosystem. Together, we power learner potential.

TrustEd Apps Vetting   |   Learning Platforms, Apps, and Tools

Curriculum Innovation and Teaching Strategies   |   Integrated Assessment

Learning Data and Analytics   |   Digital Credentials




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