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1EdTech Product Roadmap

Technical Standards & Programs

2024 Updates and Plans


View the August 2024 Member Briefing on the latest technical activities and progress.
Curriculum Innovation
Learning Data
Digital Credentials
Learning Platforms
Integrated Assessment
Special Interest Groups
TrustEd Apps

TrustEd Apps





Data Privacy

Supplier members can now self-assess using the new Accessibility, Generative AI (Data Privacy), and Security Practices rubrics to share information about their policies and practices, creating a trusted (transparent) educational environment.

Over 10,000 apps were vetted using the Data Privacy specification 1.0, and over 5,000 achieved Data Privacy certification.

Security Practices

A Security Practices and Data Privacy Product Steering Committee will be formed to promote adoption, self-assessments, and Data Privacy Certifications.

Released the final Security Practices specification 1.0. The supplier self-assessment rubric is available to members.


A TrustEd Apps Accessibility Product Steering Committee will be formed to promote adoption and self-attestations for the Accessibility Rubric and accessibility across the 1EdTech standards and market.

Released the final Accessibility specification. The supplier self-assessment rubric is available to members.

Generative AI Data

Suppliers will be recruited to complete self-assessments using the Generative AI Data Rubric. A Generative AI Data Rubric Task Force will be created to further develop an AI Rubric.

The GenAI Data Task Force will write the charter to complete the specification for more in-depth data practices when AI is present. Once the charter is complete, 1EdTech will issue a call for participation for the TrustEd Apps Generative AI Data Specification and Supplier Self-Assessment Rubric.

A new Generative AI Data Rubric was developed to provide a foundation for the ethical, productive, and safe use of GenAI data in education. The supplier self-assessment rubric is available to members.

Open Data Privacy and Security Agreement (DPSA)

Complete the Open DPSA template—projected delivery in Q2.

The Task Force reviewed 20 DSA and DPA policies, provided by institutional and supplier members and is using the information to draft a universal 1EdTech Open Data Privacy and Security (DPSA) Agreement Template for members to use.

Digital Credentials





Open Badges

The Open Badges 3.0 specification has been updated for W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model 2.0 and will undergo a TAB vote for public final status in Q2. We're looking to have ten products/platforms certified for Open Badges 3.0 in 2024.

The implementation guide will be finalized and updated in Q3 to reflect the TrustEd Microcredential Framework. Work on the Reference Implementation will be finalized by Q4.

Four Open Badges Issuers were certified for Open Badges 3.0. Based on feedback from early adopters, the Implementation Guide was revised, and the Open Badges 2.1 Badge Connect® API went to final release.

Comprehensive Learner Record Standard

The CLR 2.0 specification will be updated for W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model 2.0 in Q2 and move to public status by Q4 once we have a certified Displayer or Host. We're looking to have six products/platforms certified for CLR 2.0 in 2024.

The implementation guide will be finalized and updated to reflect the TrustEd Microcredential Framework. Work on the Reference Implementation will be finalized by Q4.

Four CLR Issuers were certified for CLR 2.0. Based on feedback from early adopters, the Implementation Guide was revised.

TrustEd Microcredential Coalition

The initial version of the TrustEd Microcredential Framework was announced at the Digital Credentials Summit in March 2024. 

Certification requirements will be announced by Q3, and the Certification Suite will be ready by Q4.

An initiative was launched to define classifications/types of badges and the required metadata for each classification.

Learning Data & Analytics





  • Public Release of three extension services as "community extension services"
  • Release of best practices version 5
  • Final Release of the Norwegian Profile
  • Candidate final for Program Participation extension service, implemented by Infinite Campus & Same goal
  • Candidate final for Class Groups extension service, implemented by Infinite Campus and Microsoft
  • Draft of the Family Management extension service
  • Candidate Final for OneRoster 1.2 Norway K-12 Profile
Caliper Analytics®
  • The Caliper Product Steering Committee (PSC) will assist with the LTI Advantage Data initiative.
  • Continue developing marketing strategies to drive the adoption of the Caliper Standard.
  • Create alternative packaging for Caliper Events to connect the consumer “why” to the technical “how” of Caliper.
  • The Caliper Product Steering Committee (PSC) has been re-launched and is now meeting monthly.
  • The final release of first version of Edu–API
  • Finalized the scope and most details of the data and service model for the final release
  • Creation of the reference implementation
  • Creation of supplier test systems
Identity Task Force
  • Release a final version of the Identity Best Practices document for member consumption.
  • The Identity Task Force created a catalog of terms for the best practice document that identifies crucial country/institution agnostic terminology that will allow the best practice document to be consumable by a wider audience.
  • Drafted all base use cases for the best practice document.
Identity Management Task Force
  • Finalize Charter and submit for TAB Approval.
  • Send work to the Rostering Project Group.
  • A new Identity Management Task Force was created to draft a work charter for an Identity Management standard.
  • The initial scope of this work will focus on U.S. K-12 education but will eventually expand to higher education and international needs. 
OneRoster® Privacy
  • Candidate Final for Privacy Framework
  • Revision of Privacy Annotated OneRoster 1.2
  • Identified patterns for data protection using 1EdTech data standards
  • Created the first draft of the privacy framework
  • Created first draft of Annotated OneRoster 1.2 Documents
Uniform Resource ID
  • Finish drafting all required documents to release the Uniform Resource ID standard.
  • Drafted use cases and goals of this project to drive work.
  • Identified WEB:DID as the technology that will be used.
  • Began drafting documentation.
  • Continue assisting the AI research project funded by NSF AI institute (ALOE project), which is dedicated to creating and using deep learning in software tools and applications and collecting data for analytics. 
  • Candidate final for asynchronous binding framework document
  • Candidate final for Edu-API Pub/Sub Binding
  • Draft of asynchronous binding framework document

Integrated Assessment





Question and Test Interoperability (QTI)®

The QTI Project Group will continue to finalize the ancillary QTI specifications. An update to QTI 3 will be published to include bug fixes and edits found by the QTI Project Group. QTI 3.0.1 update projected in late 2024.

  • Published the 1EdTech QTI 3.0 Standardized Shared Vocabulary and CSS Classes
  • Updated the QTI 3.0 Best Practices & Implementation Guide
  • Finalized all of the ancillary QTI 3.0 specifications (listed below).
Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)

CAT finalization, including conformance and certification documents, the certification suite, and securing early adopters, is projected for 2025.

  • The Candidate Final version of the CAT is on the roadmap for the QTI Project Group to finalize
Portable Custom Interactions (PCIs)

Finalize the conformance and certification documents and the certification suite, secure the first implementers, and move the specification 1.0 Candidate Final to Final Release.

  • 1EdTech Portable Custom Interactions 1.0 Specification Candidate Final has been created
Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP)

The QTI Project Group will finalize the conformance and certification documents and the certification suite and secure the first implementers.
The specification will move to the Final Release.

  • PNP is an ancillary specification for QTI 3 and will provide options to personalize the delivery of assessments and content.

AccessForAll Personal Needs and Preferences 3.0, Public Candidate Final Draft v2 will remain on the roadmap until the other QTI 3 specifications are finalized.

  • The LTI AccessForAll PNP Connector Service 1.0 Candidate Final has been created and is under final review in the LTI Project Group. 
Data-Support for Speech Synthesis Markup Language (Data-SSML)

Final Release projected for Q2 2024.

  • 1EdTech Support for Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Using the 'data-ssml' Property Version 1.0 Proposed Final Release was created, based on the W3C version, enhancing text-to-speech capabilities for students. 

Learning Platforms, Apps & Tools





Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)®

New Certification Suite

Continue work to get the following services to Candidate Final:

  • Asset Processor - Lets a tool provide a processor that will take a platform submission and return a report.
  • Content and Link Service - Gives tools a way to manage their LTI links within a platform’s course.
  • Platform Notification Service - This lets a platform give tools a list of events for a course and subscribe to be notified when those events happen.
  • Updated Meeting format
  • Restructuring of the LTI GitHub to one central repository. 
  • Released cookie solution allowing learning tools and LMSs to circumvent the use of third-party cookies in conjunction with changes in the browser market positions
  • Submission Review and Course Group Services have been moved to Public Candidate Final.
LTI Advantage Data
  • Launch web presence for LTI Advantage Data
  • Begin an early adopters program for suppliers
  • Finalize LTI Advantage Data Certification
  • Launched a communication campaign for LTI Advantage Data to encourage institutions to promote supplier adoption of Caliper’s LTI Tool Launch, Tool Use, and optionally, the LTI-Caliper Data Connector Service.

Curriculum Innovation





Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange (CASE)®
  • Develop CASE 1.1 Consumer Testing system.
  • Publish the CASE 1.1 Conformance and Certification Document.
  • Publish the CASE 1.1 Specification and Overview Document.
  • Continue working on CASE GUIDs in LTI Advantage with the LTI Project Group.
  • CASE 1.1 is in Candidate Final Release. The CASE 1.1 Provider Testing system has been created, and we have certified two CASE Providers. 
  • The CASE Workgroup completed the Proposed Best Practices document.
  • The Digital Curriculum Product Steering Committee (PSC) has documented use cases for the need to include CASE GUIDs in LTI links.
  • LTI and CASE work groups met at the Fall Technical Meeting to start the discussion.
CASE Network 2
  • Create a CASE Framework verification practice to provide consistently high-quality content in the CASE Network.
  • Continue to increase the number of registered suppliers. 
  • Continue to increase the number of states that publish their curriculum in the CASE format and add the mirrors to CASE Network 2.
  • CASE Network Committee will continue to provide leadership by promoting the publication of CASE frameworks.
  • Launched the new CASE Network 2, using a modern application certified in CASE 1.1
  • 17 states have published standards using the CASE specification. 
  • 1EdTech partnered with Common Good Learning Tools and published the four core courses for all other states. Six more states are in talks and/or currently in the process of publishing their academic standards using the CASE specification.
  • As of May 2024, eight suppliers registered to CASE Network 2.
Common Cartridge® and Thin Common Cartridge

We are looking for suppliers to implement and certify Common Cartridge and Thin Common Cartridge 1.4.

The Common Cartridge Project Group and Digital Curriculum PSC are looking for two implementers to move to the Final Release. 

1EdTech's Common Cartridge and Thin Common Cartridge 1.4 standards have reached Candidate Final status and are ready to implement. This latest version addresses the needs of the K-12 profile by adding metadata to the learning resources, empowering teachers to design lessons that help their students achieve success, and including the latest versions of LTI Advantage and QTI 3 files.

LTI Resource Search

A Call for Participation for a new profile for 1EdTech’s LTI Resource Search 1.0 is on the roadmap for 2024.

Special Interest Groups





Digital Curriculum Innovation SIG

The SIG will host guest speakers to address a list of current and urgent topics, including:

  • QTI as a standard to import/export responsive learning resources
  • Academic standards grade passback
  • LTI Advantage and cookies
  • CASE & GUID Translator
  • CLR, Common Data Architecture, and OneRoster + CASE Rubrics

The SIG work and recommendations of 2022-23 resulted in the creation of the ID Management and Unique (product) ID task force, an increase in LTI Advantage implementations, and digital curriculum suppliers registering for the new CASE Network 2.

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) SIG

Explore and expand the topics of interest for UCaaS companies to include OpenVideo.

Two major UCaaS member companies have implemented LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage and are contributing to the LTI Advantage Data specification. New UCaaS product suppliers have joined 1EdTech.






1EdTech Japan Society
  • 1EdTech Japan Society will continue to run its own PSC and collaborate with 1EdTech member groups and events.
  • The 1EdTech Japan Society met at the Fall Technical Meeting and created the 1EdTech Japan Product Steering Committee (PSC). 1EdTech Japan will manage its PSC independently. 
  • The 1EdTech Japan Society has implemented numerous 1EdTech standards, including LTI Advantage, OneRoster 1.2, Open Badges, CASE 1.0, and QTI 3.
  • The Norwegian Project group will put the finishing touches on the profile and move it to final release.
  • With the assistance of UDIR 1EdTech, I created a profile of OneRoster 1.2 for the Norwegian market. That profile is currently in Candidate Final Status.



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