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Learning Tools Interoperability





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1EdTech's LTI standard is a technical standard (not a product) used to connect learning tools with an institution's learning environment without logging into each tool. LTI supports a high level of security for passing data about the users, their institutional enrollment, and roles.

1EdTech Advisory on the Use of LTI Shims for Tool Integrations

1EdTech has issued a new advisory on the potential harm from using “LTI shims” provided by 3rd party software as a service that integrates applications into learning platforms.

The advisory provides an overview of shim architectures and the potential privacy, security, and other risks to both institutions and tool providers.

The steps to ensure that a tool is correctly implementing LTI are provided.

Read the Advisory


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The Benefits of LTI and LTI Advantage

  • Reduces the time and development cost to connect your learning platform with your learning tools.
  • Provides seamless and secure access for students and teachers to the learning tools they regularly utilize.
  • Provides a streamlined way to create user accounts and grant access.
  • Reduces teacher workload by providing a way for tools to pass assignments and grades back to the teacher’s centralized gradebook.




Technical Overview

The Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)® specification allows learning management systems (LMS) or platforms to integrate remote tools and content in a standard way. LTI 1.3 builds on previous versions by improving the authentication security model.

The current version, LTI 1.3, addresses education security requirements and provides a structure for additional services. Here is a quick look at what's new in LTI 1.3:

  • The 1EdTech Security Framework specification is introduced, based on OAuth2 and JSON Web Tokens.
  • Improved documentation and migration guidance to move to the LTI Advantage suite, which provides new, valuable services.
  • Alignment between LTI Advantage services and other 1EdTech Standards to support a cohesive digital ecosystem.

LTI Advantage leverages the security of LTI 1.3 and provides the ability to implement features that support key teaching and learning activities.

  • Assignment and Grade Services (AGS) provides a way to create a gradebook column and post grades associated with a resource link.
  • Names and Role Provisioning Services 2.0 (NRPS) provides access to data about users and their roles within organizations; a school, platform (LMS), or course are examples of an organization. 
  • Deep Linking 2.0 (DL) allows a teacher or platform (LMS) user to integrate content gathered from an external tool. Using this service, platform users can launch a URI specified by the digital curriculum supplier (external tool), select specific content, and then receive a URI that other users can use to launch directly to that content.




Get Started

Start implementing LTI Advantage using the materials below.

Public Specifications

Specification Documents

LTI Optional Services: 


Have Questions?

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