The ePortfolio specification was created to make ePortfolios interoperable across different systems and institutions. The ePortfolio specification:
- Supports the advancement of lifelong learning important to many government initiatives.
- Makes exchanging portfolios from school to work transitions easier.
- Allows educators and institutions to better track competencies.
- Enhances the learning experience and improves employee development.
ePortfolio Specification - Version 1 Public Draft Specification - HTML
ePortfolio Specification - Version 1 Final Specification - XML Examples and Schemas
- imsportfoliocp_v1p0.xsd
- imsassert_v1p0.xsd
- imsparticipation_v1p0.xsd
- imsrubric_v1p0.xsd
- imsreflex_v1p0.xsd
ExamplesReflect Nassert Portfolio