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LTI Resource Search Checklist and RFP Language

Resource Search Checklist and RFP Language

It is suggested that an RFP for any learning platform, tool or digital content would include a section with language requesting interoperability based on open standards along with other specific software requirements.


Prior to the development of Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®) Resource Search, when an educator wanted to locate learning resources, he or she would have to search each learning object repository one at a time, select a resource, copy and paste the URL into the learning platform or tool where he or she wanted to make it available to students. To get the next resource, the educator would have to start the process all over again. Alternately, the educator might install a “resource picker” app into his or her learning platform, then collect resources into a “shopping cart”, and then the selected resources from that particular app would be added to his or her course in the learning platform. And to go get resources from a different repository or catalog, the educator would have to start the process all over again.


This laborious method of gathering resources led to inconsistent user interfaces and kept the learning platform from being the main application interface for educators. This system has many opportunities for failure including configuration of the resource picker app, changes from one user interface (the learning platform) to another (the resource picker) and the need to collect and return data in an intermediary system rather than using web services to immediately return results.


1EdTech Consortium developed Resource Search as a solution to this problem. Educators have a more reliable way to search for learning objects across multiple providers from within their learning platform or tool. Learning platforms and tools make many more resources available to their users and have all results available in one place.

Resource Search Specification Details

Resource Search v.1 specification can be found here:

Suggested RFP Language

[Institution] is committed to a standards-based, interoperable teaching and learning technology ecosystem. 

  1. The system procured through this RFP must meet conformance certification requirements as outlined in the specification documents for 1EdTech Consortium's LTI Resource Search standard version 1.0. 
  2. We are requesting [vendor/product] obtain conformance certification by 1EdTech Consortium as a [platform or tool] no later than [specific date]
  3. Evidence of a valid conformance certification, including a current registration number must be provided as listed in the 1EdTech Product Directory located on the 1EdTech website for each of the above 1EdTech standards.
    1. See
  4. The vendor is also required to remain current with the subsequent versions and applicable extensions, and receive conformance certification within a “reasonable” time period for each standard listed below.

Resource Search Checklist



What is your 1EdTech conformance Certification Number?  
If your product is not currently certified, will your product be certified by [INSERT DATE]?  
Are you familiar with 1EdTech Consortium?  
Are you a member in good standing of 1EdTech?  
Are you committed to adopting / becoming certified on new versions of Resource Search as they are made available?  
What unique to this implementation of Resource Search?  

Technical Requirements

In addition to the functional requirements, the vendor’s solution shall provide users with a wide variety of readily available and user-friendly interfaces to access the system, as well as provide an environment that allows for reliable and timely use of the content. In addition, the vendor’s solution will integrate with third-party materials and software. Gaining conformance certification for 1EdTech standards requires the vendor must maintain the highest levels of security in order to preserve and protect the confidentiality of data. 


Indicate which of the following metadata fields are supported:






name The name/title of resource.  
description A human readable description of the contents of the resource.  
subject A subject of the resource.  
Learning Resource Type The type of the resource.  
language Language used in the resource.  
Typical Age Range Age of the typical intended user. This is described as the minimum and maximum ages.  
Text Complexity A number indicating text complexity based on number of established measures.  
Learning Objectives Learning objective addressed by the resource.  
author Author or creator of the resource.  
publisher Owner of the rights to the resource or who made it available (company or person).  
Time Required Time that the resource takes to consume.  
Technical Format MIME format of the resource.  
Educational Audience For whom the resource is intended.  
Accessibility API Accessibility API supported by the resource.  
Accessibility Input Methods How the resource can be controlled by the user, including full keyboard controllability, mouse controllability, and voice controllability.  
Access Mode The human sensory perceptual system or cognitive faculty through which a person may process or perceive information.  
Publish Date Date the resource was published by the publisher.  
Rating A rating of the quality of the resource determined by the SearchProvider.  
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